oddeven is a online betting site with the focus on transparency and fairness while ensuring the best gaming experience. Some of our features are:
We continuously work on new ideas, games and the integration of additional currencies.
The house edge is the mathematical advantage of the service provider. Here is a list of the percentages which are applied when playing on oddeven:
The current daily limits are:
The faucet amount can vary depending on your account activity.
Here is a legend of our user groups and their colors:
Please pay attention to the instructions of the oddeven staff.
Please send an email to [email protected] to contact our support.
To deposit Bitcoin, please send the desired amount to our elitepvpers account by clicking the button below. Make sure your oddeven username is in the note field. All payments are usually processed in about 60 seconds.
To deposit BTC, please send the desired amount to the address below.
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